Popular Ghanaian actor, Kwaku Manu, has taken to social media to celebrate the birthday of his first child and daughter, Vida Osei Manu today, October 6, 2021.
Kwaku Manu took to his official Instagram page to make a glowing post about his daughter after he shared photos of her.
In the photos sighted by ghlinks.com.gh online, Vida Osei Manu was seen wearing a glittering sleeveless tube-like dress as she posed for her birthday photoshoot.
The young princess sported a ‘rasta’ hairstyle and complimented her attire with red-coloured slippers.
She struck a number of poses in the same outfit which saw her beaming with her infectious smile.
Another photo in the bunch saw the daughter of the actor and comedian wearing a black dress while sporting the same rasta hairstyle.
After posting the photos, Kwaku Manu captioned them: “May your day be as bright as your smile and as lovely as you. Happy birthday my daughter! @vidaoseimanu And I ask God to move you from grace to grace. All my lovely friends should halp me wish her a happy birthday. God bless you all.”
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