The “heinous,” and “appalling,” death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis has caused shockwaves across the nation and sparked calls for widespread protests against police brutality.
Five officers, Desmond Mills Jr, Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III and Justin Smith have been charged with murdering the 29-year-old by allegedly beating him during a traffic stop earlier this month — a shocking crime that the city’s horrified top cop described Friday as involving “acts that defy humanity.’’
As the world reacts to the release of the police video footage that have answered further questions about what happened to Nichols, many are asking if he was married, dating, or had any children.
Was Tyre Nichols married?
According to an unconfirmed report by, Nichols was was not married but he was previously in a relationship with a girl named Katie.
His son whose name has not been revealed was born from his ex-girlfriend.
At a Friday press conference, one of the Nichols family’s lawyers, Benjamin Crump, said Tyre — who called himself “Ty” on his Facebook page — was a dedicated, loving father.
“Everything he was trying to do was to better himself as a father for his 4-year-old son,” the lawyer said. “When he comes through the door, he wants to give you a hug.”

Who was Tyre Nichols?
Born on June 5, 1993, Tyre Nichols was a civilian, FedEx employee, and photographer from Memphis, Tennessee.
He was the youngest of four children and he also has a four-year-old son of his own.
What happened to Tyre Nichols?
On January 10, 2023, Tyre Nichols died, three days after a traffic stop by Memphis Police Department officers.
The Memphis Police Department initially stated on January 8 that the traffic stop of Nichols was due to reckless driving, but later on January 27 the Memphis police chief stated that footage showed no evidence of probable cause for the traffic stop.
Following the traffic stop, an initial altercation ensued during which officers deployed pepper spray and a taser.
Nichols fled on foot, and within a short distance, a second altercation occurred when Memphis Police Officers caught up with him, then punched and kicked Nichols’s face, and hit his back with a baton.
Media outlets reported that the footage did not show Nichols resisting or appearing to provoke officers during the beating.
He was hospitalized in a critical condition and ultimately died.