If you’re a fan of Love Is Blind 2, then you must be familiar with Trisha Frame.
She’s one of the contestants on Love Is Blind 2.
And if you’ve seen her anywhere else, then it just might be on Instagram where she boasts of being an influencer with over 8k followers.
Who is Trisha Frame?
Originally from Chicago, Trisha Frame is a seasoned real estate agent as well as a travel enthusiast.
The company she works for is State Street Properties, a real estate agency that supposedly specializes in the furnishing of luxury apartments.
According to the SSP website, their agents go the extra mile for their clients, whether it’s “taking a call at 10 p.m. on a Friday night or doing a video tour over Facetime.”
She is an extroverted blonde beauty who is 31 years old, and she is extremely confident about her looks.

“It’s really hard for me to understand why a girl like me doesn’t have a boyfriend or a hook-up or even someone I’m talking to,” she said on the Netflix original.
Additionally, the real estate agent mentioned having “a huge Instagram following” and “a lot of friends,” which, when combined with her field of work, makes her “really good” at talking to people.
Due to her repeated claims of having a large following on Instagram, many assumed she was a social media influencer.
Trisha had only 8,620 followers by the end of February 2022.
In an attempt to avoid public scrutiny, she appears to have deleted her account entirely since then.
Did Trisha Find Her Love In Love Is Blind Season 2?
“I have a lot of friends, some of them are in serious relationships some are seeing multiple people. It’s really hard for me to really understand why a girl like me doesn’t have a boyfriend or a hookup or even someone I’m talking to,” said Trisha Frame, expressing how much she wants someone to pamper her with unconditional love, and be committed towards her.
However, for now, we cannot say anything about if Trisha will end the show with the love of her life or will leave the show all alone.
It seems that for love she will definitely give her full efforts in making a bond with someone in the show. In the first episode of Love Is Blind, she talked to Nick in the pods, and she was slightly attracted to Nick (@nthompson513), and somehow kept him on her top one, subsequently, Trisha Frame’s strong instinct on Nick liking Danielle curbed her liking towards him.
So, this love triangle will definitely add flavors to the show. Are you excited to see whether Trisha Frame will end up with Nick or will she let him go?