Board Chairman of Accra Hearts Of Oak, Togbe Afede XIV has been named head of the GHPL Autonomous Premier League Committee.
Togbe Afede, who is also the majority shareholder and bankroller of the historic club is set to head the committee after the Ghana Football Association took steps to make the Ghana Premier League an Autonomous enterprise.
It will be recalled that the Ghana Football Association, announced some weeks ago the names of some personalities to serve on the board to move the Premier League into an Autonomous body.
Also serving on the Committee are Executive council member, Dr. Toni Aubynn, Dr. Kwame Baah-Nuakoh, Chairman of the club lincensing Board. They join the three representatives of the Premier League clubs, Delali Senaya, CEO of Inter Allies Football Club, Mr. John Ansah, Operations Manager of Cape Coast Mysterious Ebusua Dwarfs Football Club and of course Togbe Afede XIV, Board Chairman of Accra Hearts of Oak Sporting Club.
The Committee is scheduled to begin work as they seek to lead the smooth transition of the Ghana Premier league into an independent autonomous body, headed by the hearts of oak owner.
Togbe Afede is also the paramount chief of the Asogli Traditional Area and also a successful businessman.