One parent whose daughter was among the four Takoradi young ladies who were kidnapped has insisted that the Police still know where his daughter is and will therefore not agree that she is dead.
According to him, the skeletal remains been bandied around by the Police has been in existence for over fifty years and can therefore not be the remains of his daughter.
Speaking in an interview, he indicated that the Police in Ghana are just lazy and want to wash their hands off the case; reason why they brought in the skeleton just so the parents can get off their back.
To him, since the Police have decided to close the case without producing their children as expected, they will deal with the Police spiritually.
“I’m disappointed because that is not what I was expecting. I expected that the Police will bring me my granddaughter. My granddaughter where she is the Police knows so they should bring them. You can’t use this skeleton to judge. That skeleton was shown to us and we denied it that they are not our children’s skeleton because that very skeleton have been there for over 50 years.
This is what the Police want, they want to end the case so that nobody will disturb them but spiritually, we will worry them. We will pray to our God to worry them to bring back our daughters. They want to close the case but for I’m not cool with the judgement and I’m praying to my God that my grand daughter comes back,” he said in an interview with Mark Media.
Meanwhile, Samuel Wills together with his Nigerian counterpart John Orji who murdered the four Takoradi girls have been sentenced to death by Sekondi Hight Court.