In these trying times when the world is faced with a pandemic named COVID 19 popularly known as Corona Virus, many countries have instituted lockdowns and are depending solely on internal funds to help keep their people safe.
Ghana and Africa as a whole is no exception. People are being advised to stay home to help curb the virus.
The rich are making donations of money, face masks, sanitizers and a whole lot to help fight the pandemic.
However, Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has made a bold statement about making donations and bringing it to the open.
According to the actress, donations are meant to be in secret and not for the open.
Taking to her official twitter page on Tuesday, the actress noted that only God should see what you give to the needy, adding that He will bless you according to your deeds. She tweeted;
“Pls donate to the poor/needy/widows/orphans etc, don’t let an eye see it when you do, God in heaven sees it!this is how God our Father in Heaven blesses! most churches/pastors will use your money for their luxurious lifestyles. God sees and knows our hearts”.
Pls donate to the poor/needy/widows/orphans etc, dont let an eye see it when you do, God in heaven sees it!this is how God our Father in Heaven blesses! most churches/pastors will use your money for their luxurious lifestyles. God sees and knows our hearts.
— 𝓨𝓥𝓞𝓝𝓝𝓔 | 𝓝𝓔𝓛𝓢𝓞𝓝 (@yvonnenelsongh) March 24, 2020