Popular comedian cum Naval officer, Cute Abiola known in real life as Abudulgafar Ahmad has been in detention for ten days straight and is yet to be released.
The comedian has been detained for violating and breaching the Armed Force of Nigeria’s social media policy.
Cute Abiola was declared missing by friends and family on November 16th after leaving home and didn’t return but the security agency released a statement regarding his missing.
The statement reads, “Cute Abiola is not missing !!! He is in custody for breaching Armed Forces Social Media Policy.
”The young man was found to have breached the social media policy while he was on leave. So he was recalled, asked to come back, but he refused until he completed his leave which is a disobedience to particular orders”
Well, the Director of Information, Navy Headquarters, Commodore Suleman Dahun has indicated that Cute Abiola case is an administrative issue hence is being treated administratively.
In his words, “An administrative process is on regarding the matter. Period!”