One of the contestants of popular reality television dating show Date Rush., Ruby, has recounted how a certain popular man tried forcing himself on her.
According to her, the man came under the guise of managing her but had his own ulterior motive of having his way with her
While speaking in an exclusive interview with Zionfelix, Ruby said following the Date Rush season, the man sent her a message requesting to be her manager.
Out of excitement, Ruby said she asked the man to see her place so she could go through the document and proceed to sign the contract.
She however said when the man came, he tried touching her and sort of forcing himself unto her which got her confused.
Ruby went on to recount that she managed to escape from the man’s grips as he tried struggling with her and went out of the room.
Forward to the 14th minute:
Ruby said she told the man that she was no more interested in his bid to manage her and went on to ask him to leave her apartment.
Asked to reveal the identity of the man, Ruby said he was popular and rich as well but she was not ready to put out his name.
Asked if she also reported the case to the police, Ruby said she did not have enough evidence to pin on him so she decided not to go to the police.