Kemi Ikuseedun, better known as “Mummy Wa” in Mr Macaroni’s skits, has surprised many of her fans in an unexpected way after she participated in the trending Bussit Challenge.
In a video she posted on her social media handle for the #BussItChallenge, Kemi Ikuseedun went from the modest and wrapper-tying Mummy Wa to a hot and sexy “Freaky Freaky” as she rocked a gorgeous red dress.
The video has captured the attention of many Twitter users who expressed amazement at the transformation.
“I hope I am not late 😂🙈 #BussItChallenge #mummywa,” she wrote.
I hope I am not late 😂🙈 #BussItChallenge #mummywa
— Mummy Wa (@kemzMama) January 14, 2021