Renowned Investigative Journalist, Manasseh Azure Awuni has exposed ‘lies’ and inconsistencies in the statement issued by the Presidency narrating the sequence of events that led to the unceremonious retirement of the former auditor general, Daniel Yao Domelevo.
In a Facbook post, Mr Azure wrote,
Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the example you are citing is problematic, to say the least.
In 2017, the Ministry of Finance was presented with bills from contractors for contracts awarded in the Mahama era. The Auditor-General and his team worked on them and concluded that about half of those claims could not be supported with the needed evidence to merit payment. Some had already been paid for the work done and were presenting bills again to be paid. The Auditor-General said they should not be paid again. I’m told one contractor had been overpaid and when he was contacted, he said he had noticed it and had issued a cheque to the Ministry of Roads and Highways.
The government did not proceed with those payments. President Akufo-Addo said in 2018 that these monies would have been lost but for the vigilance of the Auditor-General. Now, your point is that the Auditor-General should have surcharged the persons involved in the over 5 Billion Cedis that was not paid.How do you surcharge someone if the payment was not made?
And if you claim the Auditor-General left them off the hook, what stopped the government from prosecuting those found culpable when the audit report was submitted to you? Was the government also compromised and owed allegiance to John Mahama?And how do you convince any reasonable person that just by surcharging six persons that included the senior minister in the Kroll matter, Domelevo was doing politics?
Also, note that Sylvester Mensah and other officials appointed by John Mahama were surcharged by Domelevo in a separate matter, so the continuous claim that no Mahama-era official was ever surcharged by Domelevo is false.
I understand the pain of the presidency that no one seems to believe them. But who, with their sanity and conscience intact, would believe the man who is in praising Jospong and is condemning Domelevo that he’s not working in the interest of the nation?
Anyway, I’m happy you cited this example. Finally, the initial lie that Domelevo never audited the Mahama era has been falsified. And this example is perhaps the biggest saving this country has made from a single audit.