A quiet Sunday afternoon in Winston-Salem was shattered by a heartbreaking act of violence as Kia Scheron Ramseur, a beloved member of the community, was fatally shot by her ex-partner, Bryant Stephen Horne, in what police believe was a domestic dispute.
Responding to the Call
Shortly after 4:30 PM, officers received reports of a shooting on Hartfield Circle.
Arriving at the scene, they found Ramseur suffering from a gunshot wound.
Despite valiant efforts from first responders, she succumbed to her injuries.
Swift Apprehension
Bryant Horne, the identified suspect, was located on Everidge Road within 17 minutes of the incident.
Investigators confirmed that Ramseur and Horne had previously been in a relationship, and that the shooting occurred following a verbal altercation at Ramseur’s residence.
Seeking Justice
Horne has been charged with general murder and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He is currently being held without bond, and the investigation into the incident remains ongoing.
This marks the 1st homicide of 2024 as compared to 2 homicides during this same time period in 2023.