Herbert Swilley is a 59-year-old resident of Florida accused of killing his husband.
While Swilley’s daughter, Jordan Swilley is also being investigated, he is the prime suspect in the probe.
Jordan Swilley is 20 years old.
MCSO put out this release in the death of the 59-year-old who had many friends in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown:
Many of you have asked for updates on the status of this investigation and here is what we can tell you. At this time, Herbert Swilley, the victim’s spouse, is considered a suspect in Timothy’s murder. Detectives spoke with Mr. Swilley at the earliest stages of the investigation and they have been trying to speak with him again, but his attorney has indicated that he will only cooperate if he is provided with immunity from prosecution for Timothy’s murder. Jordan Swilley, Herbert’s daughter, is considered a person of interest. She, too, gave a preliminary statement but has declined to speak to detectives further.
Because Herbert and Jordan won’t speak with the detectives investigating Timothy’s murder about evidence that has been uncovered during the investigation, we are hoping that there are people in this community who may know things that could help us solve this case. This could include information regarding Timothy’s activities in the days and weeks leading up to his death, or information about Timothy and Herbert’s relationship. If you know anything that might help investigators – even if it seems unimportant – please call us and let us know. It may be the piece of the puzzle we need.
If you have any information, please call Detective Daniel Pinder at (352) 368-3508 or the Marion County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number of (352) 732-9111. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers of Marion County at (352) 368-STOP (7867) and reference 23-21 in your tip.
In addition to the $3,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers of Marion County, an enhanced reward of up to $6,500 is available through the Florida Association of Crime Stoppers, in partnership with the Florida Office of the Attorney General. The additional monies are available through June 30, 2024. The anonymous tip MUST come through the Crime Stoppers program to be eligible for the additional funds. This is the MAXIMUM award that can be provided to an anonymous tipster