Is Tv3 Date Rush Real or Scripted
With recent developments of Ignatius turning down all the potential dates (first of its kind for this season), one is tempted to think the script writer (if only he/she exists) just did an amazing job that got the entire nation talking. Many have since argued that the show is scripted whereas others feel it’s real.
In a recent development ,a photo has been sited on TV3’s Instagram handle showing the sensational Ignatius who browned all the seven ladies who were interested in him by turning off their lights (rush) with Freelove looking happy all over.
Freelove was the last lady he turned her rush off, meaning he cannot go on a date with her.
This kept people talking and confused whether the lady visited her in the house or they took the picture at the studios of TV3 before or after the programme.
In the Picture, the outfit the guy is wearing looks same as what he brought to the show but the lady’s own is different making people confused and doubting whether the show is real.
In case you have not watched Date Rush before, it is the Station’s number one show for eligible single gentlemen to get a special date with a lady.
The concept of the show is to connect single ladies to single gentlemen in Ghana. It looks like a show in UK known as “Take me Out”.
Now, the real question is, Is Date Rush scripted or real?
Check the picture below with the caption under it: