Elikem Kumordzie has revealed that, should he have the novel coronavirus, he is ready to fight and beat it no matter what.
According to Elikem, he has been tested and declared negative for the virus but is still bracing himself for an eventuality.
Elikem, who is currently under quarantine after returning to Ghana from South Africa said, ” Samples were taken from us for testing which came back negative.
It was a relief for us and I hope it’s not a psychological gimmick being played on us. They tell us we’re fine and later tell us we’re not. But if I truly have the virus, I am very ready to fight and overcome it.” he added.

“Some people may have the virus and still show no sign of it. They will keep moving around and infect a lot of people without knowing it. So I planned to quarantined myself upon reaching Ghana,” he said.
Commenting on his mandatory quarantine by the government, Elikem Kumordzie said, his only problem the flow of information.
“The way information is disseminated to us is not cool. People on the outside receive information about us even before we do and that is bad,” he noted.