How Hushpuppi Was Arrested: Dubai Police Releases Video
Dubai Police has released a video of how Hushpuppi and Mr Woodberry were arrested for fraud.
The updates on the capture of Hushpuppi and Woodberry became a web sensation in early June with many charging their capture depended on illegal tax avoidance after certain instances of misrepresentation were connected to them.

In a video that is presently trending on the internet, discharged by the Dubai police, it affirms the capture of the socialite following a broad activity named “Fox Hunt 2”, which uncovered a concealed online misrepresentation organize that was carrying out wrongdoings outside the UAE, including tax evasion, digital extortion, hacking, criminal pantomime, banking misrepresentation, and data fraud.
In the video, it’s uncovered that the socialite was secured close by twelve different organizations.
Following their capture, it was uncovered that they hack corporate messages and clone sites to divert installments to their own records.
As indicated by sources, Interpol captured Hushpuppi for Covid-19 ventilator $35million extortion which was suspected to be given to Native Americans during the Corona Virus Pandemic.
Raymund Abbas, widely known as Hushpuppi on Instagram is known for showing unrestrained way of life which has had numerous individuals question the wellspring of his salary.