Football in the country has been brought to a halt as GFA suspends all football activities starting today, the 16th of March, 2020 with the Ghana Premier league on hold.
As the GFA suspends football in line with the President’s commitment to minimize the spread of the dangerous CONVID 19,clus are left in Limbo with 2 game weeks to end the first round of the 2019/2020 Ghana Premier League.
A statement by the GFA read:
The Ghana Football Association following the directives given by the President of the Republic on Sunday, March 15, 2020, has suspended all its competitions with immediate effect until further notice.
In a statement released last week, the GFA announced that while all competitions will go ahead as scheduled it will continue to liaise with Government, the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health and follow all national health protocols on the matter.
The Government of Ghana announced new protocols on Sunday and consequently the GFA will immediately follow the new issued protocols and guidelines.
The Association will continue to engage the relevant institutions on this matter and update its members and all stakeholders of any changes.
With the Ghana Premier league getting more exciting with each passing week, this comes as a big blow to fans who will hope football returns soon.