Five Tips On How Women Can Handle A Breakup
The end of a romantic relationship can be one very tough situation a person can go through especially depending on how much it meant and for how long it lasted. It’s easy to make all the wrong choices when going through this.
To help you successfully get through a breakup, five tips have been stated below:
This is the first step to successfully getting through a breakup. Most times, people are in denial of the situation and attempt to salvage a relationship that’s beyond repairs. It’s understandable that because of the time, affection and other resources invested, it’s hard to let go however, it does no good. It only prolongs the healing process which you’d eventually have to go through so the earlier you accept and deal with it, the better.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to beg your partner to stay. At some point, most people have done this before. It’s a stage most people go through and it’s safe to say those people know better now. It’s one of the most embarrassing things you could do. It sells you short and shows low self-esteem. Never ever beg a partner to stay; it’s a favour you should do for yourself.
Breakups can make you mope and not want to do anything at all. We’ve all been there before and we know now that it’s one of the worst things you can do. We all know the saying “the devil finds work for the ideal man”. This saying becomes a reality when you find yourself wanting to call your ex to reconcile when clearly, things are not working out. Get a new hobby or hang out with wise friends who’ll help you get through it. Read a book, watch movies, etc. Responsible activities will come handy here.
Some people say “the best way to get over a man is to get under a man”. Whether it’s the ex or a new man, you should only “get under a man” after healing properly. Rebound sex or random sex will only bruise you further. Of course there is the 1% of people who do this and it ends up being a good thing however, bear in mind that for 99% of people who do this, it ends badly. Is this a risk you’d want to take?
Life is one big education ground/centre. To not learn from situations you go through is to cheat yourself of being better than you are. Never let lessons pass you by. Assess the relationship honestly, know the role(s) you played in it, take it with a grain of salt, learn from the mistakes made and allow yourself to heal properly & be the best version of yourself. This way, by the time you get into the next relationship, you’d know exactly what you want/don’t want.