
KTLA reporter Doug Kolk & wife Natalie Deese-Kolk welcome a baby girl and reveal the newborn’s very name

Doug Kolk baby: KTLA reporter& wife Natalie Deese Kolk welcome a baby girl
Doug Kolk baby: KTLA reporter& wife Natalie Deese Kolk welcome a baby girl

KTLA entertainment reporter, Doug Kolk and his wife, Natalie Deese Kolk have added another girl to their brood.

On Monday, April 17th, 2023, Doug Kolk’s wife, Natalie Deese Kolk gave birth to their second child, a baby girl named Penelope Beth Kolk, weighing 7 pounds and 4 ounces.

The joyful news was shared by Natalie on Instagram the next day, April 18th, along with some adorable photos of the newborn.

Read post below

My baby girl Penelope Beth Kolk
Born on the 17th at 7pounds 4 ounces
Preslees forever best friend
I woke up at 2am on Monday morning.. per usual (pregnancy insomnia) and prayed that God would allow me to have her naturally without being induced the next day on my due date. Fell back asleep and had a dream I was asking a friend “how will I know when I’m in labor?” And I woke up saying “ouch” a I had a contraction…
I woke up my husband, and said I might be having contractions.. my last two babies I was induced (you know you’re having them)
I labored at home until 5pm.. and just let my body find its zone, and do what it needed to do.
We went to the hospital around 5:30pm, and after being checked, discovered I was already dilated to a 6..
I continued to just stay in tune with my body, and focus on not letting the contractions deter me from what I ultimately wanted.. a medication free, natural birth.
I stayed in labor for a few more hours listening to my body, crouching, on all fours, whatever movement felt right.
At 8:13pm I knew it was time.. the pain was immeasurable, I got on the bed hunched over and said “I have to PUSH!”
Seconds later my water broke, and my amazing nurse had me sit back.. and I said I’m pushing!! whew let me tell you there’s nothing like that ring of fire pain.. where you think you will split in two.. my doctor didn’t even make it in time.. within ten seconds I pushed and pushed and the doctor on call got her gloves on and was able to grab her🙏
Mommas, our bodies are incredible, we are literal vessels of life. I cannot believe how deep I was able to dig down, and find strength I didn’t even know existed. God is so wonderful and we are so wonderfully made.

“When a woman gives birth, she has pain because her time has come. But when the child is born, she no longer remembers her distress because of her joy that a child has been born into the world.”
— ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭21‬‬

Thank you to @c_north_1987 @b_deese2007 for taking care of my baby girl and for rushing to be here for us. We love you so much!
@dougkolk Girl daddy! I love you so much ♥️


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Written by Eugene Nyavor

Eugene Nyavor is the Founding Editor at Gh Links.

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