Dori Monson, an American radio personality who hosted the Dori Monson Show, an afternoon talk radio show on KIRO-FM, has died at age 61.
Executives at Bonneville International, the company that owns KIRO, annouced that Dori Monson was rushed to the hospital last Thursday.
Bonneville Seattle Senior Vice President Cathy Cangiano said the network is “mourning” his passing.
She added: “We are working on on-air tributes to memorialize and celebrate his life and legacy.”
Cause of death
The cause of death has not being officially announced however, earlier reports indicated that Monson died in a Seattle hospital on December 31, 2022, at the age of 61; he had suffered a cardiac event two days before.
The commentator presented the Dori Monson show for more than 25 years.
Dori’s career in radio started in 1982 at the University of Washington, and included work at KING-TV, KING Radio and at KIRO since the early 1990s.
A man of deep faith and a fierce advocate for girls’ sports for more than 25 years, Dori coached Shorecrest High School to its first state girls basketball title in 2016.
Despite health issues over the past few years, Dori enjoyed deep sea fishing with KIRO and ESPN colleagues, and playing pickleball with his family.
He leaves behind a wife, three adult daughters, a dog and many of his show’s loyal listeners.