A young Kenyan girl named Bridget Bema recently caught the attention of social media users after a video of her being called out for multiple offences in her school went viral on social media.
In the viral video, a Kenyan school administrator was seen calling out the names of the school kids who have committed a number of offences in school.
The 9-year-old Kenyan content creator is also the younger sister of rising Kenyan comedian, YY. She started appearing in her brother’s video skit before she started creating her videos.
Just like Nigeria Emmanuella, Bridget Bema is also regarded as a child comedian in Kenya. Bridget Bema is a cheerful and smart kid, whose character in her video always depict a non-conforming child who always breaks the rules, especially at school.
In her recent video that trended on the internet, Bridget was found to have broken all the rules in her school as she is called out by a teacher on the school assembly ground.
The fast-growing comedian has become the new face of the Kenya comedy industry and Bridget Bema is gaining acceptance across Africa.
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