The New York City Police Department (NYPD) apprehended Brian Dowling, a suspect in the tragic killing of Brooklyn community activist Ryan Thoresen Carson.
Brian Dowling was taken into custody at an apartment in Bedford Stuyvesant during the early hours of Thursday.
Police were looking for the black Champion sweatshirt he was wearing when they showed up at the apartment and found him.
It is not far from where he was filmed stabbing Carson, 32, to death while he waited for a bus with his girlfriend at 3.50am on Monday.
Who is Brian Dowling?
Brian Dowling, 18, is enrolled in a return to work program in a school in Clinton Hill, which is located close to where the murder occurred.
Brian Dowling is said to have had prior summonses for disorderly conduct in 2022.
Authorities say two months ago, he broke his girlfriend’s belongings during a fight in her apartment.
His aunt called 911 at the time, describing him as emotionally disturbed
What happened to Ryan Carson?
Ryan Carson was stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack in Brooklyn, New York, on October 2.
He was sitting next to his girlfriend on a bench as they made their way home after a wedding.
Surveillance footage shows an unknown man in a hoodie kicking something, before turning around seemingly at random and advancing on Carson and his partner, screaming “What the f**k are you looking at?.
Carson can be seen backing away before the man lunges at him at the bus stop in Bedford-Stuyvesant at around 4am.
Carson then tripped over the bench before the man pulled out a knife and stabbed Carlson multiple times in the chest.
The attack is thought to have been random and unprovoked.
He then spit in Morales’ face before fleeing the scene.
Tragically, a heartbreaking note was found on his phone where Carson had pledged his undying love for his girlfriend, writing how he would “love Claudia more than she’s ever been loved, which is frankly all she’s ever deserved.”
Morales shared a screenshot of the note on X and wrote: “I found this note in Ryan’s phone. He did, he did, he did”.
A GoFundme page has now been set up by Carson’s close friends on behalf of Morales.
Cops are now searching for the unidentified suspect, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams vowed that police “won’t rest” until an arrest is made.