Two Wyoming college wrestlers, Kendell Cummings and Brady Lowry, were left bloodied and severely battered by a large grizzly bear that attacked them as a day of antler hunting was coming to a close over the weekend.
The attack occurred outside of Cody, Wyoming on Saturday, October 15, according to Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming, which is about 25 miles northeast of Cody.
Details of how Kendell Cummings and Brady Lowry were attacked
Kendell Cummings of Evanston and Brady Lowry of Cedar City, Utah were hunting and enjoying the outdoors together with teammates August Harrison and Orrin Jackson in the Shoshone National Forest, south of Cody, when the bear pounced on them.
The pair had just spotted feces from what they thought was a bear when the attack occurred.
‘Before you could even think or blink, there’s a bear that came running out of the trees right in front of me,’ said Lowry to Fox News. ‘It was beating me up pretty good.’
Lowry ended up with a broken arm which needed six screws and bolts to repair. The bear also bit him in his right thigh.
He curled up into a ball during the attack.
Cummings then yelled. The bear charged at him, immediately knocking him to the ground.
Cummings even grabbed the bear by its ear before he too was chased by the grizzly and injured before he could pull out his bear spray.
‘I grabbed and yanked him hard,’ he explained.
‘I could hear when his teeth would hit my skull, I could feel when he’d bite down on my bones and they’d kind of crunch,’ he told Cowboy State Daily.
‘I called out to Lowry to make sure he was alright and I think the bear heard me,’ Cummings said. ‘It kind of circled around and got me again.’

Once the bear stopped attacking, Cummings lay still to avoid attracting further attention.
Lowry managed to call 911 and called their teammates Harrison and Jackson for help.
‘He was just drenched in blood coming down the hill everywhere,’ Harrison said. ‘Me and Jackson took turns carrying him down to the bottom where the field was.’
The pair were both taken to hospital with Cummings air-lifted while an ambulance took Lowry to a trauma center in Billings, Montana.
Both will recover but will not be wrestling any time soon.
Lowry says Cummings saved his life.
‘I can’t even express how grateful I am for him,’ Lowry said. ‘I don’t know what I’m going to pay him back, I don’t. I owe him everything.