Andrea Evans, a renowned actress widely recognized for her roles on popular daytime dramas such as One Life to Live and The Young and the Restless, passed away on Sunday, July 9, at the age of 66.
The news of her untimely demise was shared by casting director Don Carroll, leaving the entertainment industry and fans in shock and grief.
Andrea Evans leaves behind her loving husband, Steve Rodriguez, and their daughter, Kylie, as her surviving family.
Andrea Evans: Cause of death revealed
Evans died on Sunday of cancer, casting director Don Carroll revealed to Deadline.
Who was Andrea Evans?
Evans, who was born in 1957, first appeared on TV in the miniseries The Awakening Land in 1978.
She then guest starred on CHiPs in 1982.
Her other TV credits include Capital News and DeVanity.
Evans was best known for starring as Tina Lord on One Life to Live, beginning in 1979. Her next soap opera role came on The Young and the Restless, where she played Patty Williams Abbott in 1983 and 1984.
Evans then starred as Tawny Moore on The Bold and the Beautiful (pictured above), starting in 1999 and last appearing in 2011. (She played her Bold and the Beautiful character on The Young and the Restless for one episode in 2010.) Her other soap roles included Rebecca Hotchkiss on Passions (starting in 2000) and Patty Walker on The Bay (starting in 2017). Prior to her death, she finished a memoir titled My One Life to Live.
She was twice nominated for Daytime Emmy Awards, having received a nod in 1988 for ‘outstanding ingenue’ for her performance in One Life to Live.