Tragedy struck when 11-year-old Alfa Barrie and his 13-year-old friend, Garrett Warren, mysteriously drowned in a New York City river.
The circumstances surrounding their deaths have left their families devastated and searching for answers.
Here is what we know about the incident where Alfa Barrie and friend, 13, mysteriously drowned in NYC river.
A Mysterious and Heartbreaking Loss
Alfa Barrie’s family was left perplexed by his sudden disappearance and subsequent drowning.
Alfa, described as a responsible and cautious young boy, had gone out without informing his mother, which was out of character for him.
What made the situation even more distressing was the fact that Alfa didn’t know how to swim, making it unlikely that he would willingly venture near a dangerous waterfront.
His brother Ibrahim Diallo emphasized that Alfa had never engaged in such risky behavior before and had never gone missing.
Alfa’s classmates at Democracy Prep Harlem Middle School expressed their grief and paid tribute to their friend.
They made signs honoring Alfa and remembered his acts of kindness and willingness to help others.
The loss of Alfa was deeply felt by his classmates, who recognized his caring nature and appreciated his presence in their lives.
Seeking Strength in Faith and Family
The devastation caused by Alfa’s untimely death was immeasurable for his family.
His older sister, Fatima Diallo, tearfully spoke about her brother, acknowledging that he had become an angel watching over them.
Alfa’s mother, deeply religious, found solace and strength in her devout Muslim faith to cope with the unimaginable loss.
The bond between Alfa and his mother was incredibly strong, and their affection for each other was evident in their daily interactions.
Alfa would always kiss his mother goodbye before leaving the house and would often help her with household chores, displaying his appreciation and love for her.
Seeking Answers and Support
Alfa Barrie’s family is now calling for answers and support from the Biden administration.
They hope to secure a temporary visa for Alfa’s father, who resides in West Africa, so he can attend his son’s funeral and provide comfort to the grieving family during this difficult time.
Ahmadou Diallo, Alfa’s uncle, has urged for the necessary assistance to reunite the family in their moment of mourning.
The Investigation and Community Response
Alfa Barrie and Garrett Warren were last seen between the afternoon of May 12 and the morning of May 13, according to the police.
Alfa’s body was discovered in the Hudson River near 102nd Street and Riverside Drive, while Garrett’s body was found in the Harlem River near the Madison Avenue Bridge.
The mystery surrounding how the boys ended up in the water on opposite sides of Manhattan remains unresolved, although an NYPD spokesman suggested that tidal currents may have played a role.
In response to this tragic incident, community leaders have called for increased safety measures along the waterfront.
Activist Iesha Sekou, the founder of Street Corner Resources and a prominent figure in the Harlem community, has demanded that access points posing a danger to children be closed off to prevent further loss of life.
The Quest for Answers and Closure
As the investigation into the incident continues, the city’s medical examiner will determine the cause of death for both boys.
However, Alfa Barrie’s family is not relying solely on the official investigation and is determined to launch their own inquiry into his death.
They are driven by the need for answers, closure, and justice, seeking to uncover any additional information that may shed light on the circumstances surrounding